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NZ Adviser Compliance Assistance


"Practical Professionalism" is our catchphrase when it comes to compliance. You’ll know that if you’ve ever tuned in to a Tony Vidler presentation on advice processes. It is always about finding ways that will work best in the real world.


We hold a central belief that building professional processes and systems does not have to be done by dismantling successful sales or service systems. The Strictly Business approach to compliance is to figure out how to develop YOUR way of doing things into a compliant process, rather than try and impose an academic or abstract idea of what "best practice" might be into your business and you having to re-design everything you do.


We don’t want to break what works; we want to build on it.


When you deal with Strictly Business for compliance assistance you deal with Tony Vidler directly. You are not dealing with strangers or folk who have never run a successful advisory practice nor academics or lawyers who don't know what it is like actually trying to engage reluctant customers or run a commission-driven business model. I still do advisory work myself and have the same standards and obligations to work to as any other financial adviser, so figuring out how to make compliance principles work in the real world is critical.


Areas we are helping FAP's and Financial Advisers with right now:

FAP Readiness Audit: Do you know what you are missing or what isn't good enough yet?
FAP Processes & Procedures: Do you need help with just getting some parts of your FAP readiness done?
Compliance Assurance Program: do you ned external auditing of either your FAP processes or your advice processes?
Advice File (or Advice Process) Audit & Development: is your advice process needing some tweaks to get it up to the expected level of documentation?

Adviser or FAP Disclosure: are you disclosing correctly...everywhere you should?

Any other areas that concern you we can generally help you with or point in you in a better direction if need be - with our compliments! We are not afraid to refer onwards to better placed professionals where that is the right thing to do.


Our pricing is sharp because there are no ivory towers or head offices to pay for, and not a massive payroll of support people, and we work smart and fast.

Compliance Services Pricing (from April 2024)


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